Q: How to calculate the working times for your device?
A: Working time = 280Wh*0.85 / operate power of your device. For reference, assuming the power consumption of your device is 30W, the working time will be 280Wh*0.85 /30W = 7.93 hrs (rough calculated).
Q: Can this solar camping generator power the CPAP machine?
A: Yes, we strongly suggest you use a DC converter to work with this portable electric generator for better effect.
Q: Can this power station support charging devices while being 
A: Yes, it supports. But please make sure the power station has at least 10% power left.
Q: How do I store and charge the power station if I don' use it for a long time?
A: We recommend keeping the battery power above 20% when using or storing the power station regularly; A fully charged battery can last for several months. However, please recharge it every 3 months to keep the battery power above 50% if you don't use it;

Q: What do you use a portable power station for?
A: LMENGER portable power station is an essential piece of equipment to keep important devices like medical equipment, radios, appliances, and smartphones charged and running during emergencies and power outages. Many power stations have both standard AC outlets and USB ports for powering multiple types of devices at once.
Q: What is the difference between a portable power station and a generator?
A: LMENGER portable generator is a machine the converts different types of energies into electric energy, while a portable power station is a rechargeable battery-driven source of power that is big enough to power your house or a campsite.

Q: What is the difference between sine wave and pure
 sine wave?
A: The main difference between a pure sine wave UPS system and a simulated sine wave UPS system is that a pure sine wave system in battery backup mode is guaranteed to produce a cleaner output for any piece of equipment connected to it, whether it's a desktop computer, lab equipment or a server in a data center.

Q: What appliances need pure sine wave?

A: Some devices and appliances that require a pure sine inverter are:
  • Microwaves.
  • Laser printers.
  • Variable speed tools.
  • Cordless tool battery chargers.
  • Some TV's.
  • Key Machines.
  • CPAP machines with humidifiers.
  • Medical equipment.

Q: What is MPPT technique?
A: Image result for Maximum power point tracking
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) techniques are used to maintain the PV array's operating point at its maximum power point (MPP) and extract the maximum power available in PV arrays.

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